The Islington Conservative Federation are petitioning Islington Council to reverse the severe road closures that are drastically affecting lives of Islington Residents.
At the next full Council meeting on 10th December at 7pm, Deputy Chair of the Islington Conservative Federation, Zak Vora, will present a petition signed by thousands of local residents calling on the Council to reverse the road closures.
Throughout the Summer there has been significant upheaval to peoples lives within the borough due to the lack of consultation undertaken by the Council.
Local Islington residents have reached out to the Islington Conservative Federation with the following frustrations:
- Limiting access to roads has impeded the work of the emergency services, including the police’s ability to pursue criminals.
- The absence of consultation or consideration for local businesses.
- Increasing the hardships for the elderly and disabled community.
- Increased journey times for parents with young children to complete the school runs, which has a knock effect on their ability to maintain their work hours.
Commenting on the petition, Katherine Mulhern, Chair of the Islington Conservative Federation said:
“Over the last few months, we have heard the public outcry about these road closures. They are having a real-life impact on the local community. At a time when the emergency services are on the frontline and already stretched to breaking point, it is not acceptable that their life saving work is being impeded. Whether it is the police apprehending criminals or ambulances unable to respond as quickly as needed, we should all be doing our best to support the key workers, not obstructing them with unnecessary road closures.”
Zak Vora also said:
“I strongly encourage everybody who can, to attend the Council meeting to show solidarity with Islington residents. As other members of the public have tried to raise this complaint directly with the Council only to feel ignored. We need to show the Council how passionately people feel about this issue.”
The full Council meeting will be hosted on Zoom, detail available from the Council’s website.